How to use a slip lead

how to use a slip lead

You might ask How to use a slip lead properly?Well, we understand that slip leashes may seem daunting to some and less effective for others, especially if you’re accustomed to the traditional style leash. Unlike the regular leash that attaches to the metal point on your dog’s collar, a slip leash is designed to slide over their head and loop around their neck.

Before diving into the specifics of using a slip lead, it’s important to discuss the correct positioning of the leash around your dog’s neck.

Positions On Neck For A Slip Lead

Your dog’s neck can be divided into three sections: the base near the shoulders, the middle across the trachea, and the top at the base of the skull and behind the ears. The key to using a slip leash effectively lies in the right positioning.

At the base of the neck, near the shoulders, using the leash may encourage pulling, as any corrections or pressure are felt in the shoulders and chest, providing your dog with leverage and leading to a tug-of-war scenario you won’t win.

Corrections around the middle of the neck are also unfavorable, as they can harm your dog by putting pressure on the windpipe, similar to your own neck. Tugging on the leash in this position, especially if your dog pulls, can result in self-inflicted injuries or, in extreme cases, the crushing of the windpipe, necessitating an avoidable emergency vet visit.

The ideal position for a slip leash is at the top of the neck, near the base of the skull and behind the ears. This allows for effective communication without risking harm to your dog, and they won’t feel the instinctive need to pull against any pressure applied.

How Tight Should A Slip Lead Be?

Ensuring the proper fit of your slip leash is crucial to prevent it from being either too loose or too tight. If it’s too loose, there’s a risk of it slipping over your dog’s head, while if it’s too tight, it can cause discomfort or injury.

The general guideline for slip leashes aligns with other collars and harnesses – you should be able to comfortably fit two fingers under the leash. It’s essential to adjust the slip lead while your dog is at rest to ensure it’s not too tight. This way, during walks or training sessions, if your dog pulls excitedly, it won’t cause pain.

To aid in maintaining the proper fit, we’ve developed a unique spring-powered hammer-shaped buckle for our Ragnar Slip Leash. Once adjusted correctly, the buckle can be smoothly slid into place, helping to secure the leash without the need for constant readjustment. With the stopper in place, the leash shouldn’t easily come loose or slip over your dog’s head, and with proper use, it should never become uncomfortably tight.

Using A Slip Lead in correct way

Now that we’ve covered the fundamental aspects of how a slip leash should be worn and why, let’s delve into the proper usage!

There are two configurations for your slip leash: left and right. The extended side of the lead, the portion threaded through the loop, should always be positioned over the back of your dog’s neck, facing towards you. This arrangement aids in effective corrections, as the lead quickly tightens and then loosens without becoming excessively taut. It’s crucial to keep your dog at your side when using a slip leash to prevent them from walking or running ahead, which could result in the lead becoming overly tight or slipping lower on the neck.

Remember, the slip lead should be positioned high on the neck, behind the ears, to avoid potential harm. If it slips lower, it might cut across the trachea or rest around the base of the neck, encouraging your dog to pull.

Maintain a relaxed posture while using the slip leash, as your dog will pick up on your stress or tension, potentially causing them to become anxious. To be an effective leader, you must exude calmness and consistency, as dogs interpret your body language and subtle cues.

Avoid holding the lead tightly, as this creates tension that can lead to negative effects. The purpose of “popping” the lead is to communicate quickly with your dog. This method involves a swift, firm flick of the wrist in an upward motion, creating a change in pressure to capture your dog’s attention and bring them back to you. This technique does not trigger their natural instinct to pull, as it does not initiate a tug-of-war scenario.

Slip leads are designed for rapid on-off communication, not heavy physical correction. Properly used, alongside positive reinforcement like treat training, slip leads can yield desired outcomes. The popping technique can be paired with a verbal correction, such as a firm “no” or “psst.” With practice, you’ll find that verbal corrections become less necessary, and a quick pop of the lead achieves the desired effect. The goal is to be firm but not harsh, promoting calm and consistent training for consistent results.

Using a slip lead or any other sort of accessory to have control over the Dog on some dogs breeds is also mandated by the UK government when outdoors.

In a Nutshell

Now that you’ve gained insights into the proper use of a slip leads, you might be wondering where to begin and which lead is the right fit for you. MyPetBud is here to guide you on your journey to becoming a calm and consistent canine leader.

Introducing our Slip leads, meticulously designed with your training needs in mind. The woven rope, boasting a diameter according to your needs, enhances communication during lead pops. With this design, the pressure is distributed over a smaller surface area, making it easier for your dog to perceive the communication. This quick and precise feedback facilitates a faster and more appropriate response from your furry companion.

We aspire for this thoughtful design, coupled with proper training, to contribute to a more successful and comfortable experience for both you and your dog. Why not give our slip leads a try today?

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